This Side Up

I write to you in a cold storm. We’re born, we die and find time in between to live. How we live comes with weather and placement. We observe our placement and travel with the debris. It can lead to resentment or understanding. At points in this traveling cycle i tend to switch between these. But I understand the necessity.

it’s a duty, you’re bound to it. Whether by words of family or morality, it can be necessary. We do what we have to do because we are suited or needed, there’s no shame in efficiency and I  find that logic will prevail over the emotion of wanting ease. We bleed for rest, then strain ourselves. it’s all in line with the contradictory nature of humans. i kind of like it.

I don’t think I’d switch the bad side of humanity for perfection, it sounds too monotonous. It sounds a little twisted, but i think it makes us more interesting and gives us some appreciation. Our duty in life is to suffer, then make joy from that suffering.

In conclusion, suffer. Definitely. Do what you need to and suffer for it. Then do something with it.

Unfaithfully yours, Peanut…